Team immersion

Want to move forward together as a multilingual team while staying in work mode? Your coach literally stands next to you for five days and works alternately on your shared language needs and on your individual difficulties. Together you build a common language register for your customer relationships, files, internal documents, etc.
Working and learning together with your team. One of the best ways of learning a language!

Key learnings & practicalities

The team learns the language while simultaneously carrying out their work.
They focus on scenarios together with factual vocabulary and key phrases. They create a coherent narrative. At the end of the immersion, everyone flourishes together by expressing themselves more easily.
Customers (internal and external) recognize the collective stamp of the team thanks to the communication of each participant.
BONUS: The group changes their overall dynamics; the team performs better as a multilingual team, and they find an effective learning culture.

Target Group

  • with a common objective
  • who gain energy and efficiency from learning together
  • with schedules that do not allow them to leave the workplace to attend training

Format options

  • 5 days on the work floor
  • Practice in the highly personalized online platform with exercises for the group and personalized for the individual.
  • Groups up to 8 people max.

What is special about this program?

The team becomes empowered through collaborative learning, bridging language skills directly to the workplace for unprecedented synergy!
Curious to know more?
Contact us